Walk In Your Truth!!

Contact WYFWC!

Thank you for visiting WaterYourFire Wellness Collective, LLC.

Please take a moment to provide feedback, to ask questions or to request an intake interview for counseling, workshops, trainings or consultation.

Email: dr.winley@wateryourfirewc.com

Phone: (919)886-5310

Experiencing A Crisis/Emergency?

It’s OK to Ask for/Seek Help!!

Please call your doctor, nearest hospital emergency room or dial 911 if you need immediate assistance.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Text Home to 741741

Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860

GLBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs: 212-714-1141 (English and Spanish)

GLBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743

DeHQ: LGBTQ Helpline for South Asians: 908-367-3374